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Lay Elder Roger Phillips

   I was raised in the Lake Country area (Summit, Oconomowoc, Delafield); with a local education at Summit Elementary Grade School and Oconomowoc High School. I always had an interest and desire to pursue a career in the field of professional Architecture, even in the upper grades and through my high school years. Thus, during the next 40-plus years, I completed Engineering studies at Marquette University and Architectural studies at UW Milwaukee. I was employed at three Milwaukee-based Architectural firms and ultimately became owner and partner, all while marrying my high school sweetheart, Laurie.  Together, we raised our family, a son and daughter, and now have three grandchildren.
    My early church background, limited at best, and Laurie’s Catholic church attendance, not knowing we needed a Savior, we were led down a dark road in a cult in the early 1980s. but thanks to the Lord’s mercy, we were pointed to Jesus Christ and saved by the Lord and His faithful servants at a local Bible-teaching/believing church, Kettle Moraine Evangelical Free Church ( KMEFC), Delafield, Wi. Now known as Oakwood Church.
   Thus, began our “Pilgrimage and Journey” following Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior in the mid-1980s.  Through discipleship, applying God’s Word, Bible teaching, adult Sunday school, and outreach we matured to ultimately teaching the Word of God to young believers. 
    Now, in our retirement/senior years from Architecture and raising a family to enjoying grandchildren. We continue to serve the Lord, shepherding the flock, discipling, and sharing the love of Christ with our brothers and sisters in Christ at this local body, Summit Harvest Church for over 15 years.
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